Thursday, August 21, 2008

Catch Up

Ok, so I can't even hardly remember how the first day of school's been so long! The last day of summer was a great day! Grandma Mary came up with a cake she made for the first day of school. We took her to a spray park to enjoy their last day. We had a lot of fun......all I could think about was much my children were growing and how much I didn't want them to leave me. But the day did arrive.....Chloe and Ethan got up pretty quickly and already knew what they were wearing.....the morning went very smoothly even with adding a few chores to the morning routine. Nick stayed home from work so he could be with us to take the kids to school......which was very sweet! We took Ethan first, he walked right in and found his name on his desk....he sat right down and pretty much looked at us like, "when are you leaving?" So, we said our goodbyes and I slowly made my way down the hall without crying, I may, to the 2nd grade room. Chloe looked so much older than I like, but I guess she really can't help it. We walked into her room and she found her desk, saw some familiar faces and gave us the same look that Ethan did.....I'm so glad our children are so secure, unlike me who was quickly falling apart.......I made it to the van and started to cry, just a little bit, not like Chloe's first day of sure makes it easier when your kids want to go.......what will I do when Bailey's gone? I can't even think about that right now! So, Nick took off to work and Bailey and I headed off to her very first movie, Space was cute and she did really well sitting there with her boyfriend, Hudson and best bud "Baby" was adorable.....When I picked the kids up, Ethan was grinning from ear to ear and Chloe wasn't smiling......Ethan had the best day ever and Chloe didn't like her teacher....."she yelled all day long"~well, it has gotten better for Chloe, I think the first day was just a little hectic for her teacher......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are growing up to fast....